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An allergy is a persons abnormal response to substances which do not cause reactions in most people. Masquerading as other diseases, allergies can produce symptoms in most every organ of the body including: skin, eye, nose,
throat, lungs, stomach, bladder, vagina, joints, brain and muscles. Some patients may have multiple allergies which ultimately cause symptoms and chronic conditions which can be difficult to diagnose.

Substances which cause allergies include pollens, danders, mold, dust, food, chemicals, medications, air pollutants, perfume and smoke. These substances are called allergens. In the chemically sensitive patient, numerous allergens may exist which cause an additive affect producing poor health.

Symptoms which seem to be related to foods you eat, air you breathe, a change in the season or weather, a certain room, pet or smell are most likely environmentally related.  Through your own investigation and meeting with providers at Wellness Resource we can usually narrow down the offending agents.

An extensive questionnaire (New Patient History) is filled out by each patient and reviewed before the initial visit (available at through this website above).  This aids our practitioners in obtaining a detailed allergy and environmentally oriented history. This procedure along with a physical exam and review of past medical testing lead to a provisional diagnosis which is used to direct your allergen testing and treatment.

Disclaimer: The information provided on the wellness-resource web page should be relied upon only as a source of general medical education. It is not intended to replace the independent judgment of a physician. The appropriate treatment for any particular patient may vary from the information provided here due to unknown factors that affect decisions about the best treatment for your particular condition. Your best source of information is always your personal physician.  © 2005